Finally, it's there! For all you beerlovers who use Untappd. The one and only Bierloods Loyal Badge.
Did you buy a beer or had a beer at Bierloods22? Check it in with Bierloods22 as purchase or check-in location. And you will receive the Bierloods Loyal badge. Keep checking in, all the way to level 100!
How does the badge work?
- Each check-in with purchased at and/or check-in location Bierloods22 qualifies for the badge.
- You will get the badge directly with the first qualifying check-in
- After that for each five check-ins you will be rewarded a new level
- The badge goes all the way to level 100
- The badge is active starting 7 august 2021 and not retroactive
Bierloods Loyal badge give-away
Share your badge on instagram, twitter and/or facebook and use the hashtags #BierloodsLoyal and #Bierloods22 and tag @Bierloods22. At the end of the month there will be a raffle, we will gave away a supersweet beer package. You can participate with every badge level you get. So the more levels, the higher you're chance will be.
No socials? Use the hashtags on Untappd, and tag us.